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After Critical Tweets – Pictures of Greta Thunberg Burn in India

Indian nationalists set a poster by Greta Thunberg on fire. The Swede had previously tweeted about India’s peasant protests.


Indian nationalists are outraged by the “interference” of celebrities like Greta Thunberg or Rihanna, and pictures were even burned during protests in Delhi.

They lit posters of the world’s best-known climate activist and forbade her interference in Indian domestic politics: the protests in Delhi, some of which were violent, focused on several international celebrities who had interfered in the dispute over India’s protesting farmers in the days before via social media.

The advice of Greta Thunberg and Rihanna, formulated via tweets, even sparked an investigation by the Indian police.

The farmers, on the other hand, are afraid that large agricultural companies will gain ground and lose their livelihoods, among others. Tens of thousands of farmers have already settled in protest camps on the outskirts of the capital New Delhi.

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