Apple Sued for possible sharing of Private data iTunes. Three Americans have sued tech giant Apple because the company would have shared private data with other parties, according to the reports on Tuesday.
According to prosecutors, Apple sells data about which specific music customers have listened to data traders.
These traders would then link the data to public information on social media to compile user profiles.
The indictment refers to particular marketing websites that state which people purchase music on iTunes or the Pandora music service.
Apple would give app developers access to purchased music
Apple is also accused of giving developers of iOS apps free access to the music purchased on an iPhone or iPad.
These app makers could also compile user profiles.
Apple has been presenting itself as a privacy-friendly company for some time.
In a recent advertisement, the tech giant promised that “what happens on your iPhone also stays on your iPhone”.
Prosecutors hope to turn the case into a class action
The prosecutors hope to turn the case into a so-called class action, to which other victims can join.
If they are approved, then Apple would have to pay compensation to all these victims.
The case must make clear whether Apple is trading music data and whether prosecutors have been bothered by it.
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