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Berlusconi does not Stand in the Way of Coalition

The Italian former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi says that the formation of a government with only the Five Star Movement (M5S) and the Lega does not stand in the way. With this, the politician takes away a major stumbling block in the conversations between the two parties, repoprts Town News.


The conversations between M5S and Lega did not get off the ground due to disagreement about the role that Berlusconi’s Forza Italia would have to play.

The party of the former prime minister is an ally of the Lega, who did not want to drop him. However, M5S refused to go into the sea with the Berlusconi, who was scared by scandals. The protest party only wanted to form a government with the Lega.

M5S and the right-wing populist Lega made a final attempt on Wednesday to break the stalemate about forming a government. Italian media reports that high pressure has been put on Berlusconi to take a step back voluntarily.

In addition to the Lega, parliamentarians from Forza Italia would have insisted on this because they feared to lose their seats in new elections.

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