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Boris Johnson and His Wife Carrie Announce the Name of Their Second Child

A week after the birth of their daughter, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson (57) and his wife Carrie (33) announced her name.


The girl’s name is Romy Iris Charlotte Johnson, and it sounded on Instagram on Thursday.

“Romy, to my Aunt Rosemary. Iris is from Greek, which means rainbow. And Charlotte to Boris’ late mother, who we miss very much,” said Carrie. She also shared a photo of the girl with her big brother Wilfred, who turned two in April.

For the couple, the birth was the culmination of an eventful year. They secretly married on May 29 and announced the pregnancy in July. It is Carrie’s second child, but Boris Johnson already has seven.

The four eldest, whom he had with his second wife Marina Wheeler, are now adults. The British Prime Minister also has an illegitimate daughter.

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