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Boris Johnson Pays Tribute to Queen Elizabeth ‘the Great’

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has paid tribute to Queen Elizabeth II in Parliament on the occasion of her upcoming 70th jubilee as Queen. She will celebrate that anniversary at the beginning of June. Johnson referred to her as Elizabeth the Great in his speech.


No head of state before her has served the UK as well as Elizabeth, the head of government said. “No monarch deserves the designation of greatness more than she does base on effort, dedication and achievement. And to me she is already Elizabeth the Great,” Johnson said.

According to the prime minister, weekly audiences with the queen are always “extremely reassuring” as the queen recognizes the scope of all events.

Elizabeth succeeded her father, King George VI, in his death in 1952. No monarch or queen before her sat on the British throne longer than she did. In early June, the platinum anniversary is celebrated over four days with major events in London.

Johnson reported, among other things, that “Her Majesty has made more than 21,000 official appointments in more than 100 countries in her 25,677 days as Queen.” During her tenure, she has enacted around 4,000 laws, has been involved in 112 state visits and has worked with 14 British Prime Ministers. “Until now,” Johnson added. “It’s not so much what she did, but how she did it.”

Opposition leader Keir Starmer also congratulated the queen. “We honour her not only because she is our queen, but also because she is a queen to all her subjects,” said the Labor leader.

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