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British Brexit Campaign Group Gets A Penalty

British Brexit Campaign Group Gets A Penalty For Violating Budget Rules. Leave.EU, one of the most critical pro-Brexit campaign groups that were active in 2016 around the referendum on the British exit, has been fined 80,000 euros. According to the British electoral council, the group has violated budget rules.


The Electoral Council announced on Friday that Leaves.EU did not accurately report its expenses in the run-up to the referendum, posted by Fortune News.

With the unspecified amount, at least 77,380 pounds (over 87,800 euros), the campaign group went over a limit on spending.

Three loans and services that have been taken by Leave. The campaign group did not report EU from a US political advisory firm.

This violation is so severe that the electoral council suspects that the responsible person has committed criminal offences. The police have informed of the case.

Cambridge Analytica
According to the electoral council, no evidence Leaves.EU has used the services of Cambridge Analytica, the political consultancy company that recently broke up because of the use of Facebook data in election campaigns.

In a response, Leave.EU announced on Friday that the alleged surplus of expenses represents less than 0.1 percent of the total campaign spend. The accusation of the electoral council would be a “ridiculous” attempt to discredit the campaign group.

The founder of Leave.EU, Arron Banks, questions the independence of the electoral council. According to him, the board mainly consists of opponents of the Brexit.

“The electoral council is a” swamp “of Blair supporters, packed with moaners from the establishment,” said Banks, who released the accusations on Friday as a “politically motivated attack” on the Brexit. “What a mess, we see the electoral council in court.”

In the referendum on the Brexit, held on June 23, 2016, 17.4 million people (51.9 percent of the voters) voted for British withdrawal from the EU, and 16.1 million voters (48.1 percent) voted against.

The United Kingdom and the EU are still entirely negotiating the exit, which will take place in 2019.

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