The UK Parliament has passed a law ending the free movement of workers between the United Kingdom and the European Union.
The criteria for who may enter the country are not known; there may be a point system.
The legal text will abolish specific rights to immigrate from residents of the European Economic Area (the EU plus Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein) and Switzerland from 2021.
The criteria that will apply are not included in the text, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson previously proposed a points system that gives priority to highly skilled workers.
Immigration of residents from the poorest countries in the EU was a major point of contention during the campaign leading up to the Brexit referendum in 2016. The “Leave” Camp wanted to give the UK back control of its own borders.
Interior Minister Priti Patel promised on Monday a “stricter, fairer and simpler system that will play a vital role in the fight against the coronavirus. the National Health Service when we need it more than ever. “
To immigrate, someone must earn at least £ 25,600 per year.
Patel emphasized that the government has launched an accelerated visa procedure for doctors, nurses and other health professionals. Also, all visas of that group of employees that expire between now and October are automatically renewed for one year.
The majority voted in favour of the law, the opposition.
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