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Concerned International Community Responses to Hong Kong Law

The international community is concerned about the new Chinese security law for Hong Kong.


The United States, Australia, Canada, Japan and former colonizer Great Britain, among others, fear that this law will end democracy and the separation of powers in Hong Kong.

Based on the security law, China wants to maintain stricter order in Hong Kong, which is an autonomous part of the country with its own government and legal system.

The law was approved by the People’s Congress on Thursday.

The British, Americans, Canadians and Australians said in a joint statement that they are “extremely concerned” that Chinese security law is exacerbating “deep divisions” in Hong Kong society.

They also think that the law threatens the stability and prosperity of the city-state with almost 7.5 million inhabitants.

The countries are calling on China to come up with a solution that is also acceptable to the people of Hong Kong.

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