A controversial UK law violating specific Brexit deals with the European Union has taken a new hurdle in the UK parliament.
This makes it slightly more likely that Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s proposal will reach the finish line.
On Tuesday evening, the parliament acquired the right to vote on emergency measures in the new law, if the government wants to apply them. The say in parliament is Johnson’s concession to critics within his own Conservative party.
He wants to gain sufficient support in this way. The conservative rebels believe that the London government should not violate international law.
With his law, Johnson overrides essential provisions in the current agreement on the British exit from the EU.
Brussels speaks shame about it, but the British Prime Minister believes his law is necessary to prevent a split of the United Kingdom from Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Johnson doesn’t want Northern Ireland to deviate from the rest of the UK.
Because the area borders the EU member state Ireland, it had been agreed with the EU that different trade rules would apply in Northern Ireland.
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