From Wednesday, MEPs and their employees, journalists and visitors will only enter the EU parliament with a corona pass.
Chairman David Sassoli has decided that because of the new wave of infections. Having the body temperature measured on arrival and wearing a mouth cap remain mandatory at the same time.
The measure, which has already been applied to external visits since the beginning of September, will remain in force for the time being until the end of January. According to Sassoli, the Covid Certificate, with which the holder can demonstrate that he has been vaccinated against the virus, is protected from a previous infection or has been tested negative, can be used to resume work in the buildings in Brussels and Strasbourg physically. The European Parliament has been working wholly or partly from home since the start of the outbreak in 2020.
Recently, however, more and more people are coming to the meeting rooms. According to the daily board of parliament, the corona pass ‘guarantees safety’ in the event of a personal presence.
The decision is met with outrage and resistance in some circles. As a “house of democracy”, the European Parliament should remain accessible to everyone. This is a new step in the direction of compulsory vaccination”, said SGP member Bert-Jan Ruissen. Colleague Rob Roos (JA21) speaks of “a pitch-black day for democracy”.
Ruissen and some supporters have written a letter of protest to Sassoli.
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