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First Results of the Referendum in Russia: Vladimir Putin Will Probably Remain President Until 2036

The first results of the referendum on constitutional reform are known in Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin appears to be heading for a significant victory.


This allows him to remain in power until 2036. The polls predicted that a vast majority would approve the reform.

According to Russian media, both an exit poll and the first interim results predict that about three-quarters of the voters support the changes.

These initial results come as no surprise. Namely, it was predicted that Putin would make his move.

State polls indicated early this week that the Russians would approve constitutional changes by a two-thirds majority. The Russians were able to vote for seven days. The ballot boxes will be closed tonight.

The package of measures that Putin wants to change is large, and it concerns more than 200 changes.

But Putin’s primary goal is to stay in power for another twelve years. He wants to add two more terms of six years each as President of Russia to his curriculum.

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