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Italian Government Wants to Declare Drought Emergency

The Italian government wants to declare a state of emergency because of the severe drought in parts of the country. According to Prime Minister Mario Draghi’s cabinet, a cabinet meeting is scheduled for Monday evening.


The north of the country in particular is suffering from severe drought. There, large lakes, such as Lake Garda, are particularly low for the time of year. Several rivers, such as the Po in the north of the country, are at their lowest levels in more than 70 years.

Several cities have already taken measures. For example, Verona and Pisa limited the use of drinking water. Verona is the worst: until August 31, drinking water between 6 am and 9 pm may only be used for cooking, personal hygiene and cleaning. Washing cars, filling swimming pools and watering gardens and sports fields are only allowed at night, but the city council still asks to refrain from doing so. Venice and Milan have put out some fountains.

Last weekend, five regions already asked the government in Rome to declare a state of emergency, to allow for more resources and the deployment of civil protection.

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