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Joe Biden Remains Winner in Georgia After the Second Recount

Joe Biden Remains Winner in Georgia After the Second Recount. The second recount of the votes in the US state of Georgia will not change the outcome.


Everything suggests that Democrat Joe Biden retains the majority, Georgia Home Secretary Brad Raffensperger said Wednesday.

The Republican rejected claims that last month’s election was fraudulent, as President Trump claims. He called Biden “our elected president”.

Georgia authorities had previously recounted the votes because Biden in Georgia had a lead of only about 14,000 votes. After six days of recounting, Biden’s lead had shrunk to 12,670 votes.

Trump’s lawyers filed for a new manual recount so that “every legal vote is counted fairly.” This was possible because the difference between the candidates was less than 0.5 percentage point.

But no substantial differences came to light, Raffensperger said. The official result of the count will follow later in the day.

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