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Local Key State Authorities Provide Updates on the Vote Counts

Local authorities in several key US states will provide an update on the counts during the day or night on Thursday, news channel CNN reports.


In several crucial states, President Donald Trump and his challenger Joe Biden are in a neck-and-neck race.

The Minister of the Interior of the State of Georgia will hold a press conference. There is currently a difference of 18,500 votes between Trump and Biden in favour of the Republican, according to CNN.

Clark County, in the state of Nevada, will speak at 6 p.m. The gambling city of Las Vegas is located in Clark County. In Nevada, Biden is currently only 8,000 votes in favour, according to CNN.

In Arizona, the authorities of Maricopa County, where the capital Phoenix is located, will provide an update in the night from Thursday to Friday around 3 a.m. Some media have already declared Biden the winner here, but other major news channels are still reluctant.

Votes are also still being counted in Alaska, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Several major media outlets have declared Biden the winner in Michigan and Wisconsin.

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