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No Foreign Spectators At the Tokyo Olympics

No ‘overseas’ spectators are welcome at the Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo this summer. The Japanese government would have decided that, reports Kyodo news agency.


The government is introducing the measure because the population of the Asian country is afraid that the number of corona infections will increase further by foreign visitors.

It has also been decided that the start of the relay with the Olympic flame, on March 25 in Fukushima, will take place without an audience.

Kyodo relies on anonymous officials who say that Japan’s concerns are particularly remarkable because of the mutants of the virus found in various countries. The government and the Japanese organizing committee would ratify the decision later this month after consultation with, among others, the International Olympic Committee.

On March 3, the three agencies, together with the International Paralympic Committee and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, agreed to decide this month on whether or not to allow visitors from other countries.

In April, it would then be known how many people would be admitted to the various stadiums.

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