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Pope: Christmas is Becoming More Authentic and Less Commercial

Christmas will be more authentic than other years and less commercial this Corona year, Pope Francis expects.


According to the head of the Catholic Church, Christmas is celebrated this year with “limitations and unease”. He hopes that this will make the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ “more religious, more authentic and real,” the Pope said Wednesday.

He also referred to the Christmas story and the worries and hardships that Joseph and Mary, Jesus’ parents, had at the time.

The Pope’s Christmas agenda has been adjusted by the coronavirus. For example, the Christmas midnight mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, which is held every year on Christmas Eve, has been brought forward by two hours to 7.30 pm.

That way, mass is over before curfew goes into Italy at 10 pm. It is also expected that no visitors will be present at the gathering.

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