Hackers in Russian and North Korean service recently attacked seven organizations involved in developing a corona vaccine. This is shown by research by Microsoft.
According to the tech company, the hacker group Fancy Bear, which is linked to the Russian intelligence services, is behind the attacks. Also, some North Korean attackers, Microsoft mentions Zinc and Cerium, have been involved.
According to the researchers, pharmaceutical companies that are in the test phase with their vaccine were the target. Most burglary attempts failed, according to Microsoft, but an unknown number of cracking turned out to be successful.
It is not indistinct what the hackers have stolen. The companies attacked are located in Canada, France, India, South Korea and the United States.
Both the Russian and North Korean authorities deny that they are behind the cyber attacks.
Previously, Microsoft stated that Chinese hackers were trying to penetrate an American university that is working on a corona vaccine.
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