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The Number of Corona Infections is Rapidly Increasing in Sweden

The number of corona infections is rapidly increasing in Sweden, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven said on Tuesday. At the same time, he announced stricter measures for another three regions to contain the outbreak.


“We have a very serious situation,” Löfven said at a press conference. “Intensive care beds are now being used more and more to treat Covid patients. The respite we got this summer is over.”

He said, among other things, parties in restaurants would be limited to eight people.

Sweden has seen an increase in new infections in recent weeks, surpassing spring peaks. However, the levels are not as high concerning population size as in countries such as Belgium, Spain and France.

Sweden, which has avoided lockdowns during the pandemic, registered 10,177 new cases of the coronavirus on Tuesday since Friday’s previous update.

The number of cases in the Scandinavian country, which does not publish updated Covid-19 data for the weekend and Monday, has risen sharply in recent weeks. It hit daily records repeatedly last week.

Sweden registered 31 new deaths, bringing the total to 5,969.

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