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The UK Ready for New Customs Rules and New Era

The United Kingdom says it is ready for the significant changes at the European Union border, which will take effect from Thursday 31 December at midnight.


The United Kingdom will then say goodbye to the EU’s internal market. From that moment on, new customs and border formalities will apply.

Companies have to register all goods digitally they want to import or export to Great Britain from now on. Freight carriers risk fines if they do not have the correct papers. According to the United Kingdom, all necessary customs systems have been put in place.

Customs officers have also been installed to stop carriers who cannot hand over the necessary administration. Cameras with number plate recognition are also used for this.

Problems at the border between the UK and the European Union remain a significant concern of the UK government. They are afraid that the new bureaucratic rules will create long traffic jams for freight carriers, causing enormous transport delays.

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