Donald Trump has made himself heard: he claims with great certainty that he is considering a comeback. While Joe Biden makes great strides, the Republican opposition remains entangled in an internal battle of direction.
While most former presidents withdrew with relief from the ruthless spotlight of the American media for a while, Trump longs back to his time in the White House. He meets weekly with his political team and is thinking “100 percent” of a new candidacy for the US presidency, he said in a conversation with Fox Business last week. “The polls show that everyone wants me to do it.”
Everyone, that’s Trumpian exaggeration. But while he has retired from fellow Florida retirees, polls do indicate that Trump remains the most popular figure in the Republican Party. According to a poll by Reuters and Ipsos last month, six out of ten Republican voters want them back in 2024.
He did lose some ground. For the first time since the summer of 2019, slightly more Republican voters see themselves initially as Republican, instead of as a Trump supporter, they indicate in a poll by NBC News. But the golden formula for party success is still loyalty to Trump.
In mid-term congressional elections in Texas, one of the candidates wanted his support so badly that she gave her phone number on live TV in the hope that the former president would call.
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