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UN Deeply Concerned Over Uyghurs Rights Violations in China

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights is “deeply disturbed” by the conclusions reached by an expert group in its report on the violations of the rights of the Uyghur minority in China.


Beijing has already reacted furiously to the experts’ decision that China’s treatment of the minority amounts to genocide. A spokesman for the Human Rights Commissioner declined to comment on the genocide issue. Still, he did reiterate “the need for an independent and comprehensive assessment of the human rights situation in Xinjiang”.

The lawyers and human rights experts conducted months of investigation and presented its report in London on Thursday. While the UN Human Rights Commissioner declined to comment on the genocide issue because the UN agency has not verified the conclusions, spokesman Rupert Colville said, “disconcerting new information is being revealed about the treatment of Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities in the United States.” Xinjiang”.

The experts say they have no evidence of a massacre on the Uyghurs. Still, “the elements of deliberate genocide, as enshrined in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of Genocide, have been established,” it said.

Although spokesman Colville once again urged an independent investigation into the situation on the ground, Beijing has refused any investigation by the UN. The Chinese believe that any visit to the region should be “friendly”.

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