On Thursday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution to establish formal ties with the Taliban government in Afghanistan. In addition, the powerful body gave a new mandate to the UN’s political mission in Afghanistan.
The resolution deals with, among other things, political and humanitarian cooperation. There is talk of strengthening human rights, the rights of children and women, and journalists’ protection. The resolution is an important step towards peace and stability in Afghanistan, the Security Council said. It makes it possible to respond adequately to the humanitarian and economic problems in the country.
Afghanistan has been in a deep crisis since the Taliban took power last summer. According to the UN, nearly 23 million people in Afghanistan need food aid, about 55 percent of the population. Nearly 9 million of them are at risk of starvation. However, the international isolation of the Taliban makes it difficult to provide that aid.
Fourteen of the fifteen members of the Security Council voted in favour of the resolution. Only Russia abstained. The new mandate for the mission in Afghanistan is for one year.
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