According to Democrats, the political opponents of US President Trump, the President must have known that Russia paid money to have US troops killed in Afghanistan.
Moscow is said to have given premiums to the radical Islamic Taliban rebels to take out military personnel from the troops led by the United States.
At least Trump must have been aware of the allegations, the Democrats said after an information meeting in the White House.
The President publicly called it a sandwich monkey story, Democratic leader Hoyer said. But he said the White House briefing did not mention the information was implausible. Democrats now want the entire parliament to be informed.
The President said on Sunday that he had never been informed about the Russian premiums. Government officials said the secret services disagreed that the information gathered was accurate.
The Washington Post reported that Russia would have pledged rewards to Taliban fighters who killed American military personnel.
Russia denies that it has offered Afghan Taliban fighters money to kill American soldiers. The Kremlin dismissed the charges as “lies.”
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