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Vintage Style is Back, Catching the Intentions at Large

Gone are the days when braids only refer to schoolgirls with the hairdo, now the old-world charm is roaring again!

Manchester-UK: This year, fallen in love with vintage fashion all over again. Going as far back as 1920 flapper style brought to life in the movie The Great Gatsby, and you have a melting pot of old-world charm that never fails to be spellbinding.

Vintage has made a comeback, and ladies are all loving it. The makeup has gone back to the bare necessities. The eyebrows are natural, the upper eyelid is thickly lined with liquid eyeliner, and a dark maroon lipstick is added to transform the look from day to night.

Yess, gone are the days when braids only refer to schoolgirls with pigtails. The side-parted hair that braids all the way to the base of the cranium and then made into a messy bun that our mothers and grandmothers sported on a regular basis once upon a time has been the most popular hairstyle this year.

We know the understated elegance that our forefathers bore with finesse. Men did not hesitate to invest some time and effort in their own appearance, and this attempt to look one’s best is back again in today’s men as well. If it’s a semi-formal occasion and a man wants to be relaxed yet presentable, flexible jeans and t-shirt is always the go-to piece.

Now take a blazer and put it on top and you suddenly have an immensely classy outfit that can take you to the most formal of occasions. Add a wrist-watch and a pair of leather shoes, and you will have the ladies swooning.

Can you believe there was a time, even a year ago, when the idea of thickly gelled hair parted to one side was laughable? Remember all those times we made fun of our grandfather’s photographs with the heavy pomade hairdos? Our men are looking so good this season with this hairstyle that it seems like the grandpas are definitely getting the last laugh.

If you haven’t tried any of these styles as of yet, make sure you try it now, because somehow trends have entered a beautiful time machine and warped us back to the most elegant times of fashion history. Take benefit of it now while you can, because, like the movie Midnight in Paris, the Old World might throw us back to the future anytime.

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