“WhatsApp Adds ads to an App in 2020.” WhatsApp will receive advertisements in the app next year. The ads are added to the WhatsApp Status function.
A Facebook manager revealed the plans during a presentation during the Facebook Marketing Summit in Rotterdam,
reports someone who attended the event on Twitter.
During the presentation, an example was shown in an advertisement in Status.
The ads are displayed in full-screen format, just like in Instagram Stories.
WhatsApp Status is similar to Instagram Stories.
Users can post a photo, video or text that disappears automatically after 24 hours.
People can see commercials in between updates.
The arrival of advertising in Status was already verified at the end of last year.
It was not yet apparent when the ads would be added to the app.
When Facebook took over WhatsApp in 2014, founder Jan Koum also promised that there would be no advertising in the app.
Koum has since left Facebook, which wants to earn money from the chat app.
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