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World Economic Forum Postponed to Summer

The World Economic Forum will not take place in January next year but at the beginning of the summer.


The organization of the annual meeting of top executives of large companies and politicians in Davos has announced this. They think it is not yet possible to host the event early next year safely.

The gathering for the mighty of the earth has been held annually in Davos since 1971. The Swiss ski resort is taken over by the global political and business elite for a week every winter.

The decision to postpone the World Economic Forum was not taken lightly, according to the organization.

“The need for world leaders to come together and shape a common path to recovery and the ‘Great Reset’ for the post-corona era is very urgent.”

Although there will be no physical meeting in January, the World Economic Forum plans to hold online meetings during that period.

The final dates for the summer event will be announced once there is more clarity about when leaders from around the world can safely come to Davos.

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