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Drama in Texas: 3-Year-Old Girl Accidentally Shoots and Kills Her Sister (4)

Due to a mistake, two sisters were alone in their room on Sunday evening when the youngest (3) found a loaded semi-automatic pistol. She accidentally shot her sister (4), who died of her injuries. The US police have announced this.

The girl’s mother and father had friends and relatives visit their apartment in Houston on Sunday evening. The five people present all thought someone else was watching the children, but the misunderstanding left them alone in the bedroom, Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez told reporters. The three-year-old girl is said to have found a loaded semi-automatic weapon and fired a shot.

Relatives then stormed into the room and found the four-year-old girl on the floor. The emergency services were notified, but they could not save the girl. She died on the spot. It is unclear whether any adults will face charges, as the children had access to the gun.

“This seems like another tragic story where a child has access to a firearm and hits someone else,” the police chief added. He calls on parents to be careful: “You must put your guns in a safe place. It is not enough to tell your children not to touch them.”

The United States has more guns than people, with about 400 million guns against a population of 332 million. One in three adults owns at least one. More than 44,000 gun deaths were recorded in the US last year, half of which were suicides, and the other half were homicides, accidents or self-defence cases, according to the Gun Violence Archive website. Texas is one of the easiest places in the world to get a gun.

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